Breast Asymmetry

Breast Asymmetry

The term ‘asymmetric breasts’ refers to breasts that differ in size at least one cup size, that begins to become visible during puberty, when breast tissue initiates its development. Subsequently, over the years, the asymmetry may become more obvious, and the difference so pronounced that affects body image and diminished self-esteem. In addition to breast asymmetries that are a result of alterations in breast development, it may also appear in adulthood after pregnancy, an accident or breast cancer surgery.


A slight breast asymmetry is considered normal. Most women present minimal breasts differences in size and shape.

Multiple motivations lead a woman to consider a breast symmetrization surgery to improve their image.

Among them can be enhancement:

• Women who are not comfortable with the different size (anisomastia) of their breasts.
• Resolve an asymmetry that involves physical or psychological problems.
• Recover breast symmetry after pregnancy, weight loss or disease.

First Visit

A personal visit is the first step for any woman who is thinking about a symmetrization mammoplasty.

Dr. Saez will ask about your general health and what your expectations are.

From an individualized evaluation Dr. Saez will explain the technique and the results that can be achieved by surgery.


Breast symmetrization surgery looks to match breasts in shape and or in size. It is one of the most complex remodelling the breast surgery.

Depending on the degree of asymmetry may be necessary to perform different procedures in each breast. While one breast may require a mastopexy or breast reduction, the other one may need a breast augmentation with prosthesis or with autologous fat.

• The operation usually lasts between 1 to 2 hours.

Post-op care

Although each person’s recovery is different, it is common to follow the next steps:

After the operation the usual stay at the clinic is 24 hours, thereafter the patient can be discharged. THE FIRST DAY:

• It is advisable to rest with the chest slightly lifted. You should not manipulate the bandage.

• The bandage will be removed after 3 or 4 days, and you will have to wear a special bra.
• You must take moderate rest, especially the arms.

• You can progressively start to work and return to normal activity.
• The stitches will be removed (although we don’t usually use visible sutures).

• Inflammation will be reduced and you will start to see the final result more defined.
• You can use an everyday bras.
• You can do more vigorous exercises.


This intervention provides a great improvement in body contouring, giving patients more fulfilment with their new image.

The results achieved are maintained for many years. However, you must remember that your breasts are not immune to the effects of fluctuations in weight or age.

It is advisable to take care of skin by moisturising, and make some physical exercise.